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Gas Density Measurements

The majority of my work at LPS was an investigation into the consistency of gas density measurements coming out of a gas puffer. This gas puffer was made to create consistent gas flows to be used in some experiments on COBRA. COBRA is a pulsed power generator for high energy density (HED) plasma research. The previously mentioned gas puffer is used for some experiments on COBRA, so understanding the dynamics of the gas flow coming out of the gas puffer is required to properly understand the data produced on COBRA. The gas density is measured using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). While investigating the consistency of the gas puffer, I created a more accurate calibration method for gas density data.


While working at LPS, I was mentorer and guided by Dr. Sander Lavine, Professor Bruce Kusse, and many other people who work or worked in the lab. Dr. Sander Lavine is a Research Associate at LPS, and Professor Bruce Kusse is a professor in the School of Applied and Engineering Physics.